When it comes to tech-based startups, user experience (UX) is one of the many factors to reflect upon. It is not surprising when we think about the major role UX playing on two of the benefits that startups run after: conversion and user retention rates.

Startups usually feel the necessity of choosing one of these two: Working on a seamless product development process or working with a full-time UX designer for a perfect user experience. The problems associated with money can be understandable for startups but UX should not be an expendable item in that process. Because, offering a continuous, positive user experience is a must for startups to be able to grow continuously.

So before talking about the importance of UX for startups, let’s take a look at the elements of good UX for startups briefly.

Secrets of Good User Experience

The need for a good user experience for startups is even bigger because they don’t have their bases upon which they can rise and grow. This creates the problem of showing their brands and products to the world effectively enough.

The items below are the things that startups should approach professionally with their needed emphasis on UX.

Color: The choice of color palette is one of the integral parts of good user experience because it relates directly to the user base of the product. Right use of color psychology can lead to an increase in conversion rates and sales numbers.

Font: The ways of delivering a message is as important as the substance of the message itself. With the right kind of font usage, delivery and readability of message can be made simpler.

Voice: Good user experience practices can make the area it is been deployed more humane. This empowers the connection between the product and the user. Rise or decline in the number of users of your product is directly related with the voice of your brand developed by your user experience.

Functionality: People usually turn off the sites when they find them pretty hard to navigate especially in the areas where there are so many alternatives. Good UX empowers the functionality and the performance of the product by offering some easy-to-use practices.

CTA (Call-to-action): It is important for especially new initiatives like most startups that they should deliver their messages as directly and understandable as possible. The experience should be built by always remembering the fact that most of the people face that product or brand for the first time now.


Beyond Branding

The prominent trend when it comes to startups is mostly not creating benefits for the user but developing a beautiful looking product. It is understood that these two are complementary elements for each other and there can not be a priority among them by startups mostly with the comprehension of the importance of user experience.

The right application of UX practices supports the functionality with the good usability and appearance and makes more and more user choose your product day by day.

User Retention

Users of a specific product can tolerate being exposed to a bad user experience for some time but startups need to put the necessary emphasis to the matter of usability so to make sure that their users stay with them. And it is also an important factor determining the quality of the brand in the eyes of the first-time user.

Comprehensive Research

Researching everything from what is already out there to habits of your potential target personas is among the services provided by a UX designer. This in-depth research into the market at the development and launching process of a product makes it easier to see potential threats and opportunities and can save you money, time and effort.



